Git Configuration Setups
This details how to utilize the config files to add aliass and other processes which are not appearent at the first blush.
Opening up The Git Environment Configs
Setting up a git environment is required for a smooth working operations. The following commands work with git config to allow one to specify flags.
Command | Description | Notes |
git config --list | Show all config enivornment variables | |
git config --list --show-origin | Show where the commands are in the config files | |
git config --{local|global|system} | Open the local or global or system files | |
git config --{environemnt} -- edit | Edit the target environement |
Personal Aliases Used
adds all items, and them does a git commit. Stati
is short for a status but in single line format. The alias
shows all the aliases that have been setup.
shove = !git add -A && git commit
stati = !git status -s
alias = !git config --get-regexp alias
Historical Commit Aliases
These list the log, either in human readable format or by single line to view all commits.
histogram = !git log -20 --date=human --pretty=format:\"%ad %h %an | %s\" --graph
histowho = !git log -10 --date=human --format=format:\"%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) (%C(blue)%an%C(reset)) %ad | %s\"
loghead = !git log -18 --decorate --date=human –oneline
Setup Araxis Merge to Work with Git
Put put these into the global
environment so they span all repositories you are working on. Note that if you install Araxis for just you, the location of compare.exe
is not in the program files, but the AppSettings local.
tool = araxis
[difftool "araxis"]
path = C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\compare.exe
tool = araxis
[mergetool "araxis"]
path = C:\\Program Files\\Araxis\\Araxis Merge\\compare.exe