// to hold information about a book and provice a method
// to get a string representation of that information.
public class Book ??
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public int Year { get; set; }
public int Pages { get; set; }
public string GetBookInfo()
=> $"{Title} by {Author}, {Year} ({Pages} pages)";
Open Closed Principle
// Open for extension by allowing derived classes like
// Rectangle and Square to define
// their own implementation of the Area method.
public abstract class Shape {
public abstract double Area();
public class Rectangle : Shape {
public double Width { get; set; }
public double Height { get; set; }
public override double Area()
=> Width * Height;
public class Square : Shape {
public double Side { get; set; }
public override double Area()
=> Side * Side;
// Closed for modification since it does not need to be modified to
// support new shapes. It simply accepts an array of Shape objects
// and calculates the total area using the Area method of each shape,
// regardless of its type. New shapes can be added without modifying
// the existing code, making it easy to extend the functionality of the application.
public class AreaCalculator {
public double TotalArea(Shape[] shapes)
=> shapes.Sum(s => s.Area());
Liskov Substitution Principle
// Defines a virtual method Fly that returns a string
// describing how the bird is flying.
public abstract class Bird {
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Fly()
=> $"{Name} is flying";
// Finch is a sub type of bird and can fly
// Says yes to Liskov for it is a valid subtype
public class Finch : Bird {
public override string Fly()
=> "Flutters away";
// Ostrich is a subytype of bird but cannot fly.
// Usage breaks the Liskov principle
public class Ostrich : Bird {
public override string Fly()
=> throw new NotImplementedException("Ostriches cannot fly");
public class BirdShow {
public string Perform(Bird bird) => bird.Fly();
Interface Segregation Principle
// Defines a method Print
public interface IPrinter { void Print(string document); }
// Defines a method Scan
public interface IScanner { void Scan(string document); }
// Implements both interfaces since it can print and scan documents.
public class Photocopier : IPrinter, IScanner {
public void Print(string document) => Console.WriteLine($"Printing {document}");
public void Scan(string document) => Console.WriteLine($"Scanning {document}");
// However, a client that only needs to print documents should not be forced
// to depend on the Scan method.To avoid this, the MultiFunctionMachine class
// is introduced, which takes separate instances of an IPrinter and an IScanner
// as constructor arguments.This allows clients to use only the methods they
// need without depending on unnecessary methods. This makes the code more
// modular and flexible, and it also prevents changes to one interface from
// affecting clients that depend on another interface.
public class MultiFunctionMachine : IPrinter, IScanner {
private IPrinter _printer;
private IScanner _scanner;
public MultiFunctionMachine(IPrinter printer, IScanner scanner)
=> (_printer, _scanner) = (printer, scanner);
public void Print(string document) => _printer.Print(document);
public void Scan(string document) => _scanner.Scan(document);
Dependancy Inversion Principle
// Defined delivery operation named ship.
public interface IDelivery { void Ship();}
// Distinct version of ship
public class AirDelivery : IDelivery {
public void Ship() => Console.WriteLine("Air delivery");
// Distinct version of ship
public class LandDelivery : IDelivery {
public void Ship() => Console.WriteLine("Land delivery");
// Depends on the IDelivery interface, not on the concrete classes
// that implement this interface. This allows the Order class to
// work with any delivery class that implements the IDelivery
// interface, without knowing the details of how the delivery is
// actually performed. This design allows for greater flexibility
// and extensibility, as new delivery classes can be added without
// modifying the existing code.
public class Order {
private IDelivery _delivery;
public Order(IDelivery delivery) => _delivery = delivery;
public void Ship() => _delivery.Ship();