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Azure Service Bus handling fault tolerance

Azure Service Bus provides several features to handle fault tolerance and ensure reliable message delivery. Here are some key aspects:

Subject Explanation
Message Retention Azure Service Bus retains messages for a specific duration, ensuring message availability.
Duplicate Detection Service Bus prevents accidental duplication of messages through configurable duplicate detection.
Dead-letter Queue (DLQ) Messages that cannot be processed successfully are moved to the Dead-letter queue for inspection.
Partitioning Partitioned queues and topics improve throughput and fault tolerance by distributing load.
Availability Zones Premium tier supports deploying Service Bus namespace across Availability Zones for high availability.
Auto Forwarding Auto-forwarding rules redirect messages between queues or topics for load balancing or failover.
Message Sessions Message sessions ensure strict ordering or grouping of related messages during processing.
Timeouts and Retry Policies Setting timeouts and retry policies allows handling transient failures more effectively.
Transaction Support Service Bus supports transactions to ensure messages are either fully processed or not at all.
Backup and Disaster Recovery Implement backup and disaster recovery strategies for critical applications’ data safety.
Monitoring and Alerting Azure Monitor provides insights into performance and health, and alerts can be set up for issues.