Property binding in Angular is a technique that allows you to set properties of view elements from a component’s data. Essentially, you bind a property of a DOM element to a property of your component class. This is typically done using the [propertyName]
Here’s an example to illustrate this. Let’s assume you have a component with a property imageUrl
and you want to bind this property to the src
attribute of an <img>
element in your component’s template.
The following markdown code block includes a two-column table. The left column describes each part of the code, while the right column provides the corresponding code snippet.
Description | Code |
Component class in TypeScript. It has a property imageUrl that holds the URL of an image. | export class AppComponent { imageUrl = ''; } |
Template HTML. The src attribute of the <img> tag is bound to the imageUrl property of the component. | <img [src]="imageUrl"> |
This example demonstrates how Angular’s property binding works. When the imageUrl
property in your component changes, Angular automatically updates the src
attribute of the image in the view to reflect this change.
<ul *ngIf="players$ | async as players; else loading" class="my-4">
<li *ngFor="let player of players" [appOnlineStatus]="">
<a [routerLink]="['/profile',]"></a>
Code Segment | Description |
<ul *ngIf="players$ \| async as players; else loading" class="my-4"> | The *ngIf directive is used to conditionally render this element based on the presence of players .The players$ \| async as players part is subscribing to the players$ Observable and assigning the result to a local variable players .</br>The else loading part specifies an alternative template loading to be rendered when players$ is falsy. |
<li *ngFor="let player of players" [appOnlineStatus]=""> | This is a li element. The *ngFor directive is used to iterate over each player in the players array and create a new li element for each one. The [appOnlineStatus]="" part is a property binding that sets the appOnlineStatus property to the online property of the current player . |
<a [routerLink]="['/profile',]"></a> | This is an a element. The [routerLink]="['/profile',]" part is a property binding that sets the routerLink directive to an array that will construct a URL like /profile/1 , where 1 is the id of the current player . The `` part is interpolation that will be replaced with the name property of the current player . |